Brera Design District is a project of Studiolabo.Visit main website


In-Vaso by Marco Gaviraghi Calloni

Garden in a court with ornamental grasses from Cascina Bollate


Opening during Fuorisalone:

12/4 - dalle 11 alle 20
13/4 - dalle 11 alle 20
14/4 - dalle 11 alle 20
15/4 - dalle 11 alle 22:30
16/4 - dalle 11 alle 20
17/4 - dalle 11 alle 17

15/4 - cocktail dalle 19:00

The Spazio Sumampa welcomes the work of Marco Gaviraghi Calloni, sculptor of large site specific works.

The artist will introduce his work as designer of garden furnishings, showing series and single works. His pieces will be shown within the Sumampa showroom and in the court of the adjacent old gallery access building open to the public for this occasion.

Marco Gaviraghi Calloni, in collaboration with the Cascina Bollate Nursery, will do an installation here of his vases in Corten with a selection of ornamental herbs.

The module is the cubic meter repeated, approached and superimposed to make up the garden elements: water vases and plants.

...Strong as iron, hard as Corten, and for this impermanent. Like African statues or Roman columns traced with the ribbing of other vases, Marco Calloni allows his objects to change with time. When iron is exposed to the elements it eventually rusts and corrodes. Even Corten, an alloy containing copper, chrome, nickel as well as iron changes and by the time two years has passed, a patina forms that stops the corrosion process. The metals, cut and welded, show their seams and in the details trace their origins. The black flame of the welding torch is a decorative motive and as it oxidizes continually changes color. They live, grow and mature, dialoging with the surrounding ambient in constant evolution. So as the deeply embossed surfaces catch the play of moving light, their slow oxidation reflects the change in the plants that they hold and that surround them...” from Beauty is what remains by Anna Piussi

Cocktail: Friday April 15th form 7.00 p.m.



Marco Gaviraghi Calloni

Marco Gaviraghi Calloni received his diploma from Accademia di Brera in 1990; he worked in various artist’s studios and showed in national and group competitions; in 1995 with other artists he founded the Gruppo Koinè. He unites the passion for art with iron work to make original creative design products. He prefers iron and Corten as they come from an industrial craft tradition dear to him, using these materials to create surprising furnishing elements and complementary pieces. To enhance the quality and fascination of these materials he chooses to leave them rough and free, following the natural evolution linked to time and atmospheric agents. His pieces are born of a passionate study of the renovation of forms and a revisiting of useful products with close attention to the final quality of the product and care in detail.

Onlus Cascina Bollate

SI SALVI CHI VUOLE Cascina Bollate è un vivaio nel carcere. Produce piante da fiore, perenni e annuali, erbe ornamentali e una piccola collezione di rose antiche e buddleje, l’albero delle farfalle. Si possono acquistare alle fiere cui partecipiamo e si possono ordinare anche on line. Oppure si acquistano durante le visite in vivaio. Perché, sebbene sia all’interno del carcere, in vivaio si può entrare liberamente o quasi: basta iscriversi mandandoci una mail. E Cascina Bollate produce anche lavoro. I detenuti infatti imparano un mestiere – quello del giardiniere - che dà un senso alla loro pena finché sono dentro e una chance al loro futuro quando usciranno. Perché imparare un lavoro in carcere è un buon modo per non tornarci più. Per saperne di più sulle visite in vivaio, progettazione e manutenzione di terrazzi e giardini oppure sui corsi di giardinaggio, mandare un'email o iscriversi alla newsletter dal sito. Cascina Bollate Onlus - Via Cristina Belgioioso 120 - Milano


Sumampa was born in Argentina in '2000, thanks to the publication of the book "Un Arte Escondido", which is a document about rural life in Santiago de l'Estero, the monte argentino, through this population's personal belongings. which testifies a daily life totally connected wìth nature and expression of an artcraft and a culture, which roots are deeply linked to the Inca civilisation (the quichua language is actually still .spoken widely there). This book has been a first contribute in preserving and valuing this rich cultural north-argentina heritage, which is almost disappearing. Soon afterwards the no-profit Sumampa Association and Sumampa Show Room followed up. The onlus Association has started a social and cultural development project in a very .abandoned area in Santiago de l'Estero, north west 'of the country, inhabited by a rural minor community. The project is improving their life conditions especially by supporting their own precious and traditional handcrafts, in an unspoiled eco-system of life. These.handmade goods find a commercial space in Sumampa Show Room(Milan) which offer, together with specific cultural events, a discovery journey of thìs fascinatìng country's culture and history.

via Ciovassino, 5

See location details
19:00 > 22:30 cocktail
Brera Location
MAIN CONTENT Valcucine Fenix NTM Leffe